Family Crisis Center Volunteer Training
There are three different kinds of volunteer positions:
- Non-Direct Service Positions
- Direct Service Positions
- Children’s Program Positions
Non-Direct Service Positions
A Non-Direct Service Volunteer is any volunteer who works in areas that do not involve direct client interaction, such as the positions listed below.
Clerical Volunteer:
Help Family Crisis Center offices with copying, mailing, filing, and other office projects. Daytime hours only. Must be 14 years of age or older.
Training: Training sessions as needed
Supervisor: Office staff
Fair Representative:
Educate the public by setting up and staffing FCC information booths at health fairs and festivals. 2 to 3 hour shifts. Must be 18 years of age or older. Qualifications: Participation in the 40 hour Volunteer Training. Must enjoy talking with people and have an in-depth knowledge of FCC Services and issues surrounding domestic violence and sexual assault.
Supervisor: FCC Staff
Outreach Volunteer:
Distribute literature to various sites across the RGV. Make packets of information for health fairs and booths. Mail literature to community groups, requesting information. You will gain familiarity with community resources in the RGV. Must be 18 years of age or older.
Qualifications: Good organizational skills
Supervisor: Volunteer Coordinator
Repeat Performance Volunteer:
Repeat Performance is FCC’s busy thrift store. Volunteers accept donations, sort and display items to be sold, and organize shelter-bound donations. Volunteers may also assist with client needs list as they prepare to move out of the shelter. Clients receive items free. Repeat Performance is open Monday through Friday 9am-4:30pm and Saturday 10:30am-2:30pm. Student groups and other volunteer service groups are welcome. Must be 14 years of age or older.
Training: Orientation by store manager
Supervisor: Repeat Performance store manager
Direct Service Positions
A Direct Service Volunteer is any volunteer who works directly with agency clients. These volunteer positions provide direct service to FCC clients, friends, families and the community at large.
Hotline Advocate:
Work at the Family Shelter, answering our 24-hour hotline. Volunteers provide peer counseling, crisis intervention, information, and referrals to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, their friends and family. Additional duties (if desired) include assisting Resident Advocates with intake procedures, helping residents, and filling other immediate needs. Shifts available Monday through Friday (8am to 10pm) and Saturday and Sunday (8am to 11pm). You may choose to work 2 to 4-hour shifts. A commitment of 8 hours per month for at least 4 months following training is required. Must be 18 years of age or older. Qualifications: 40 hours of volunteer training and observation shifts, ability to listen and communicate with diverse populations.
Supervisor: Volunteer Coordinator
Sexual Assault Hospital Advocate:
Meet sexual assault survivors at the hospital to provide face-to-face support, information, and advocacy regarding medical and legal procedures. Hospital Advocates are on call for the following shifts: 8pm to 7am Monday through Friday, 8am to 5:30pm on Saturday, 5:30pm Saturday to 8am on Sunday, 8am to 5:30pm Sunday, and 5:30pm Sunday to 7am Monday. The minimum commitment is two shifts per month. Each advocate must provide an accessible phone number. Must be 18 years of age or older. Training: 40 hours of volunteer training, plus hospital orientation. Must complete a buddy shift and observe before being sent out on your own. Must be available to go to the hospital during evening or daytime shift. Must communicate any problems or concerns to support staff.
Supervisor: Sexual Assault Advocate
Legal Advocate:
Provide assistance to clients going through the criminal justice system. Responsibilities include providing emotional support and information while accompanying clients to court. Only daytime hours are available, Monday thru Friday. A commitment of 8 hours per month for at least 4 months following training is required. Must be 18 years of age or older.
Training: 40 hour training, and one observation shift.
Supervisor: FCC Legal Advocate
Children’s Program Volunteer Positions
The following is a listing of all current volunteer opportunities for people who want to work with children. These volunteer positions provide direct service to the children of FCC clients.
After-School Program Volunteer (Family Shelter):
Assist with after-school indoor & outdoor activities for children ages 4 to 17 years. The activities focus on building social skills, non-violent relationships, problem solving skills, and self esteem. Must enjoy active indoor/outdoor activities and working with a diverse group of school-age children. Times are as follows: Monday – Friday, 3:00-3:30pm (snack), 3:30-4:30pm (Recreational Activity), and 5:00-6:00 pm (Homework help time). A commitment of 8 hours per month for at least 4 months following training is required. Must be 14 years of age or older.
Qualifications: Completion of the 40-hour training
Supervisor: Children’s Advocate
Evening Therapeutic Group (Family Shelter):
Assist with therapeutic groups for children of all ages that are living in the shelter. The different topics presented include anti-victimization, self esteem, family violence awareness, therapeutic art, problem solving, decision making, anger management, and drug and alcohol awareness. Wednesdays only from 8:00-9:00pm. Must be 14 years of age or older.
Qualifications: Completion of the 40-hour training
Supervisor: Children’s Advocate